Saturday, April 30, 2011

Shot of instant fatigue

Yesterday I went for my Neulasta injection, and it was like they gave me a shot of instant fatigue.  Just wiped me out.  Had to come home and sleep for an hour and a half.  Felt pretty wiped out the rest of the day.  Sadly, the shuttle launch was scrubbed, but hopefully it will go on Monday.  Last night I took a sleeping pill and slept great.  Feeling a bit tired this morning, even after 9 hours of sleep.  Maybe once I get moving, I'll feel better.  I've been taking my anti-nausea meds on a regular schedule, and that seems to be working great.  A little bit of nausea the evening of chemotherapy and the next morning, but it was tolerable, and that was it.  Not too much other news to report at the moment. 


Jean said...

Work crew from Kingfield arriving momentarily but I just wanted to check in with you and say "Good morning" and I'm so glad the pills seem to be working and I hope very much that you keep "feeling great"! More later...
I love you,Suzy!

Rebecca said...

I just realized that at least some of the headgear that Wendy sent down is probably the same as what she lent to me recently. That's kind of a nice feeling. George and I are thinking about you, and about Kenny, and all that you are going through right now. We love you both. So glad that the anti-nausea medication is helping. Here's to a successful shuttle launch on Monday!

Jean said...

Dear Suzy--
We just returned from church in Kingfield--the members of yesterday's work crew were there also.
Your reaction to the Neulasta shot sounds pretty much like the first time--could be worse I guess, and it's worth it, to keep the white cell count up.
The work crew did a terrific job on the front yard--cleared all the underbrush,useless trees and leaf debris from an 80 foot stretch south of the driveway. That was the most difficult part to deal with-I'll continue (with moderation!) for another couple of hundred feet.
You (and Kenny) are just as much on my mind as ever, Suzy--I love you--