Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lovin' St. Augustine.......

Limitations live only in our minds.  But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.  – Jamie Paolinetti

Having a wonderful time in St. Augustine.  Finally made it into "town" on Sunday afternoon.  At first we thought it was a huge mistake because there were people EVERYWHERE, and we’re not too big on crowds.  But we wandered down the “main drag,”
St. George Street,
which is foot traffic only and is chock full of shops, boutiques, restaurants, bars......and PEOPLE.  We stopped at one of our favorite watering holes, Sangrias, even though it looked like the 2nd floor balcony was full.  Figured we would take our chances.  There are only 2 tables we really like in the entire place – one at each end of the 2nd floor balcony, in the corner – so it’s pretty rare that we luck out and get one of those tables.  We sauntered out on the balcony and noticed that the couple at one of the corner tables had empty glasses.  Were they going to order another one, or were they waiting for their check?!  Hah!  They were waiting for their check, and we pounced on the table as soon as the stood up!  We couldn’t believe our luck!  So there we sat, looking out over St. George Street, enjoying some of the finest homemade sangria (they have about 8 different kinds – 5 reds and 3 whites, I think) and some of the finest people watching around!  And they even had live music inside the bar.  Since we were outside, the music wasn’t too loud and was most enjoyable.  Yes, I drank more sangria than my onco man said I should, but it was SOOOO fun and such a nice afternoon.  We eventually left there -- sadly relinquishing our corner table (but one can only drink so much sangria!) -- in search of more live music but didn’t find any and went back to the RV to relax for rest of the evening. 

Yesterday we spent a good part of the day trying to get a campsite at Anastasia State Park, one of our favorite parks.  We had to be at the ranger station to put our name on the waiting list at 0800 – we were number 1 on the list for 2 possible campsites.  Then we had to return (in person, no phone calls) to the ranger station at 1300 to see if either site checked out or if they re-registered.  We finally got the word at 1330 that site 72 had vacated, and we could have it!  It was our lucky day again!  Then we had to go back to the other park and pack up the RV, along with ALL the stuff we had outside – carpet, chairs, folding table, bicycles, etc.  It took awhile, but we finally got moved and all settled in to our new site at Anastasia. 

We've had such a nice day today.  This park is SO beautiful.  We took the dogs for a nice long walk on a trail in the woods this a.m.  Then I rode my bike to the beach and went for a beautiful walk on the beach (Ken didn't want to miss the opening of the stock market....LOL).  Then I paid some bills (the least fun thing of the day).  Then we went back to the beach and took chairs, blanket, books, umbrella, etc.  Had lunch at the beach and spent a couple of hours just enjoying the sun, the surf, and the sea breeze.  Even went for a swim in the ocean!  The beach here is gorgeous – miles of unspoiled, undeveloped, pristine beach as far as the eye can see.  We’re actually scheduled to be Workampers/volunteers here in the fall.  We’re still hoping we can do it, although we have to see if we can change our dates a little bit due to my new radiation schedule L.

I’ve been feeling really good, and being in this beautiful park makes me feel even better.  I’ll have to have another blood draw on Thursday, but I’m trying not to think about that.  We’ll head home next Monday, and then I’ll have my 4th (and final!) round of the A/C chemo regimen next Thursday (6/9) followed by Neulasta on 6/10.  I’ll be SO glad to kiss that regimen goodbye and move on to the next regimen.      

Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.


Jean said...

Hi Suzy -
It does my heart good when life is good for YOU! So glad the St. A. vacation is all you hoped it would be, for your much-needed R&R. I remember what a beautiful place it is where you are. Sometimes I wish we were still traveling around the country with some kind of camper. Maybe it's time for another
Hope the rest of the week is as good as the first part, in every way.
We love you, and Kenny too -
Mom (and Free)

Jean said...

Dear Suzy--
It truly makes our day, every time we get to read your latest blog input, and especially so when your joy in life shines through the way it does today, and most other times also.
We both love you so much, and Kenny also--

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Dearest Suzy!
I will reiterate what Mom and Freeland said....it sure makes me HAPPY when my sis is HAPPY!! I am so glad you and Kenny were able to get a campsite at your favorite place...a good sign that positive things are happening....just the way the rest of your chemo regimen is going to be!
You continue to amaze me staying so upbeat and positive through the "touchest journey" of your life. I'm soooo proud of you, Suz'....and so proud to say you are my sister...I love you so much.
