Thursday, June 16, 2011

Maybe NEXT week will be a better week.......

This week has not proven to be a better week at all, so maybe NEXT week will be.  We did go to the beach on Monday, which was really nice.  However, the achiness I was experiencing got progressively worse.  By Tuesday, I was downright sick, and that, too, has progressively worsened.  When my fever reached 101.6 this morning, accompanied by diarrhea, chills, sweats, total body aches, splitting headache, and an excruciatingly painful hemorrhoid problem, the oncologist wanted to see me right away.  My fever was 102.6 in his office, and I was totally miserable.  I asked him if he had a miracle up his sleeve, and he said, “Yeah, but it’s not the kind you’re hoping for where I tell you take a pill and send you home.  I need to put you in the hospital.”  When I gasped in incredulous shock, he relented to letting me try oral antibiotics for 24 hours and see him back in the morning.  Probably should have just gone to the hospital because one of the prescriptions was $267 for 7 pills!  Big Pharma highway robbery!!  Nearly gave me a heart attack since I don’t have any Rx insurance, and the cost is totally on me.  Anyway, if I’m not any better tomorrow morning, he will put me in the hospital.  Ugh! 

It’s weeks like this when I wish I had a “corporate job” and could just call in sick, not worry about it, and get paid to stay in bed!  No such luck.  I had to continue to work even when I was totally miserable.  Fortunately, I have 2 great gals working for me, and they have offered to jump in and take on some extra work this weekend.  I’m so thankful because I didn’t know what I was going to do if I end up in the hospital.

Meanwhile, I need to climb back in bed and try to get some sleep. 


Jean said...

Oh Suzy, I wish we were down there with you. I'd make you chicken soup, hold your hand, make you BETTER! All this on top of your treatments - life isn't fair sometimes! I hope those $267 pills have kicked in by now. We'll call you en route to Vermont. Meanwhile, always remember that
We love you!
Mom (and Free)

Stuart said...


We are all thinking of you here in Montpelier. Your Mom and Freeland just arrived and gave us the heads up on your latest events. YUCK!

Take care of yourself and rest. The hospital is there for you.

We LOVE you!
