Sunday, April 10, 2011

Feeling great today!

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. 
~Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book

Shortly after my last blog post on Friday evening, slight nausea and a mild headache set in.  I took a Compazine (anti-nausea med) and a Restoril (sleeping pill) and went to bed.  I slept terribly, despite the sleeping pill, but Jessica had warned me that the IV Decadron -- an anti-nausea steroid given with the chemotherapy -- might cause insomnia.  It did.  I did get some sleep Friday night, but it was very fitful.  When I finally got up at 0445, I still felt slightly nauseous and still had a headache.  I really didn't want to take any other meds, so I just drank a lot of water -- about a liter before Kenny got up at 0800.  By then, I was feeling much better, except I was craving a high-carb breakfast -- like I had a hangover or something (I didn't).  I really wanted a Belgian waffle with real maple syrup!  So we went out to breakfast.  Sadly, the place we chose didn't have Belgian waffles, so I had bacon, eggs, toast, and home fries!  Bad girl!  I don't eat red meat or toast, and I try to avoid potatoes.  Sure tasted good, though!  Then we went to some yard sales looking for the elusive bargain -- found nothing -- and drove up to Titusville to check out a campground for future reference.  I started falling asleep in the car on the way home (I wasn't driving....LOL) and realized I was REALLY tired.  Ended up sleeping for an hour and a half yesterday afternoon -- I NEVER nap, so I was definitely tired.  We went for a walk later in the afternoon and then sat outside the RV for awhile.  I was still extremely tired after dinner.  Could hardly keep my eyes open.  Finally went to bed at 2100 and slept until 0700 this morning!!  Wow!  I haven't slept that late in years!  It was wonderful.  And today I feel wonderful!  We're going to go to the Pioneer Trail and do our 2.2-mile walk in a little while.  Not sure what else we'll do today.  Maybe just relax and enjoy the day.

I'm happy to report that I can almost raise my left arm straight up over my head now.  Woo hoo!  What a feeling.  There is still some tightness and pain, but it has improved significantly.  I can also finally sleep on my right side again because the pain from the port has subsided significantly. 

Now that I have more range of motion in my left arm, Kenny and I are actually hoping to go kayaking this week.  That will be great fun.  I'm supposed to wear an arm compression sleeve when I exercise (to keep swelling down due to the lymph node removal), but I ordered one 2 weeks ago, and it hasn't come yet.  I'll just have to not paddle vigorously -- it's not like we're going to be shooting white water rapids or anything.  It will be gentle paddling -- just out to enjoy the scenery and wildlife. 

So, in summary, the only real side effects I have experienced so far from the chemo are slight nausea, a headache, and extreme fatigue.  Today I'm feeling like a million bucks!  Hope you're all having a good day, too! 


Penelope Z said...

Glad to hear the effects have been minimal, Suzy. You amaze me - you're exhausted but still going for a walk. Think I'll do that myself today - it's another gorgeous one here. Then I'll do some yard work.

Love you!

Stuart said...

What a wonderful report, Suzy. I hope your day goes well.

I Love You!


Anonymous said...

SOOOOOOO happy to hear about your happy day, Suz'....Yippee!!! I'm glad you finally had a good night's sleep last night.....hopefully you can do that more often. I've been thinking about you all weekend....but when am I NOT thinking of you??!! I love you, sis'!!!

Jean said...

Dear Suzy--
I feel so encouraged because of the way you were feeling yesterday after your medical team
had given you a "worst case" scenario! And I know you are doing all the right things to restore your body to its normal strength.
I love you , and I am so proud of you!

Jean said...

Dear Suzy,
Did you ever read Norman Vincent Peale's "The Power of Positive Thinking"? You are the epitome of how powerful positive thinking can be. All 28 of us in this wonderful family are so proud of you!
I love you -