Tuesday, April 26, 2011

White count up : )

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.  You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.  – Eleanor Roosevelt

Went for the blood draw yesterday morning and was very distraught to find out that Katie wasn't there after all.  That girl can get blood from a stone!  Thankfully it wasn't the same girl that was there on Friday -- it was Marsha yesterday.  She had trouble getting the blood to flow at first but then got it going.  Yay!  She said the results would probabbly be ready by 1530 yesterday -- they weren't.  But they were ready this morning, and my white count was back up in the normal range.  Double yay!  And everything else looked fine, too, at least to my untrained eyes.  Nothing was flagged, and I'm sure they would have called me if there was a problem.  So I guess that means I'm good to go for chemo round 2.  I'm a little worried about the timing of the Neulasta injection on Friday.  I'm afraid I'm going to miss the shuttle launch or be stuck in the dreaded traffic.  Just found out that they are letting the schools out early around here on Friday because of the launch and traffic, etc.  It's unprecedented -- they have never done that for a shuttle launch before. 

Ken and I went out to dinner this evening -- to a local "haunt" to listen to one of our favorite local musicians.  He's so entertaining.  And it was a relatively fun evening, except that Ken opted for the wig for tonight's head gear -- my first time out in public since the big head shaving (other than to the lab for blood work).  Oooooeeeee!  That thing is going to take some getting used to!  I was SOOOO uncomfortable.  Felt like some kind of impersonator and was very self conscious.....not to mention that it was scratchy on the scalp, it itched like hell, it was crushing my ears.....and I couldn't wait to get home and take it off!  I don't think I'll be doing the faux hair thing too often.  Bandanas are definitely more my style. 

Not much other news.  I'll keep you posted on how chemo #2 goes.  Hopefully it will be smooth sailing with minimal side effects.  Thanks for all the positive thoughts and good wishes!  Sure do appreciate all the love!    


Jean said...

Dear Suzy--
Thanks for the blog update--I always look forward to your latest input. I admire the way you face each day and work your way through it. Your strength of character has always served you well, and it is now being fine-tuned!
I love you--

Jean said...

That was indeed good news about your white blood cell count, Suzy! Good luck with chemo #2 tomorrow. We'll all be wearing our solidarity earrings and hopefully that will help to keep the side effects minimal! Hope you make it back in time for the Shuttle launch on Friday. We will surely be watching, and will never forget the ones we've been fortunate enough to attend.
Sorry to see that program come to an end.
I love you!!!

Wendy said...

So sorry to hear the "cranial prosthesis" didn't work out last night, Suzy... maybe you need you try a different one. Wendy ended up wearing them periodically, but then we don't live in Florida. Did you get any pictures of Ken with HIS wig (I think you said that he had opted for the wig for last night's headgear?)? JUST kidding!

I really like your de-haired photos... well, not that I didn't like your hairiness, but the no-hair look really isn't bad - it does show off your beautiful face and your beautiful YOU.

I really like your quote of the day, too - you're so good at finding inspiration!

We'll be thinking of you during Chemotherapy #2 tomorrow - good luck. Good luck seeing the Shuttle grand finale on Friday, too.

I love you,
