Sunday, May 1, 2011

Found my way out of the hole......

Don’t count the days, make the days count.  – Muhammad Ali

Sometime around mid-morning today, I decided that I was tired of having cancer!  I’m not sure why it hit me then or what it was all about.  I guess I was just feeling a little blue and kinda “yucky,” and that was the conclusion I reached.  I don’t suppose it’s all that irrational, but I knew the “woe is me” feelings were not part of the gotta-stay-upbeat-and-positive plan, so I had to do something about it.  I decided that if I took a nice warm shower, maybe I could wash all those negative thoughts down the drain!  Guess what?!  It worked!  I’m back out of the hole and feeling much better again.  And ya know what else I realized in the shower?  It’s so quick and easy to shower when you’re bald.  A little dab of shampoo (my Redken Extreme shampoo…..I guess I’m hoping it will make my hair grow back post haste…LOL) on the bald head, wash the body, and you’re done.  No round brushes afterwards trying to make those flippy things go the other way, no tedious blow drying of the tresses – it’s quick and easy – and I love that aspect of being bald.  Okay, I think that’s the only aspect….but it’s a good one. 

Last night we went to Debbie and Bill’s house for dinner, and Debbie (my bosom buddy) made the world’s best bouillabaisse – chock full of mussels, clams, shrimp, fish, stone crabs – oh my!  It was so delicious!  And a nice relaxing evening sitting outside with Bill playing his guitar.  Of course, I get tired pretty easily nowadays, and we were home with “lights out” for me at 2030.  Slept until 0630!  Woohoo!!  That felt good.

Now I’m going to go outside and enjoy the breeze and read my Kindle!  Fear not…..I’m doing okay now.  Just had one of those “blue” moods this morning, but it has passed…….


Jean said...

Dear Suzy--
I have no doubt that you are the world's best at doctoring your own attitude! I'm convinced that your ability to achieve and maintain a positive attitude (most of the time!) is as important as the procedures the medical profession brings to bear. I know the road ahead is still long, but the light at the end will get brighter and brighter as you approach it!
I love you--

Penelope Z said...

Hi Suzy,

Every time I read your posts I'm blown away by your attitude! Yes, I know that we "see" you at your "best" when you post, but it's still inspiring. Glad to hear you had a good evening with friends. That's so important.

It's a lovely day here - the birds are singing and it's warm enough to be out on the screened porch! (The deck is too buggy - it's mayfly season.) Zig and I went for a 6 mile walk today and yesterday - we're both committed to losing weight!

I hope you have a good week. Love and hugs to you, Ken, and the doggies!


Jean said...

Good Monday morning, Suzy!
I hope this is a good week for you, health-wise and work-wise. Only 6 more days and you and Nancy will be together and having fun in San Antonio. We want to be there too! But we're glad you two are getting together and we'll be thinking of you and looking forward to seeing lots of pictures.
Many, many people in the Kingfield church asked about you yesterday. You have prayers and love and positive thoughts going your way from everywhere! Especially from here....
I love you!

Stuart said...

I could have told you how great it is to have no hair years ago! Seriously!

I LOVE you, Suzy. Thinking of you every day.

