Monday, June 27, 2011

Feeling better.......

Act as if you were already happy and that will tend to make you happy.  -Dale Carnegie

Had a good weekend, and I’m feeling much better – mentally and physically.  Early Saturday morning, we went out for a really nice boat ride with our good friends, Debbie and Bill.  Of course, we took the dogs, too – our 2 dogs and their St. Bernard.  It was really nice and relaxing. Then we all (except the dogs) went out to breakfast.  Spent the rest of the day relaxing at the RV.  On Sunday afternoon, our good friends from Key Largo, Robin and Bunny, came to visit – along with their sweet black standard poodle, Pearl.  It was so nice to see them – it has been a long time.  They spent the night in their Sprinter van in the site next to us.  And they brought some fresh dolphin from the Bahamas for dinner, which Bunny cooked to perfection – delicious!  They left this afternoon – sad to see them go.  Now we’re about to get clobbered with yet another thunderstorm.  We do indeed need the rain, but we’re having an awful lot of serious storms lately.

Visiting with good friends is always good for the state of mind.  So that helped a lot this weekend.

Something else that helped tremendously was the “kudos” that I received from the doctor’s office I transcribe for.  I’m not usually one to brag, but I just want to share what the 2 nurse practitioners said after I sent them a copy of the photo of me doing their transcription from my hospital room.  I said, “How’s that for dedication?”  Here’s what they said:

Mary said, “Jill showed me the picture of you in the bed.  At first I laughted my A S S off, and then it made me melancholy.  Maybe melancholy is the wrong word, maybe pensive?  I was so totally filled with admiration for you, that I caught my breath when I saw the picture.  You were the perfect picture of devotion, dedication, willfullness, stubborness, peace, and determination all in one.  I really think you're tops, Suze.  I mean it.  I can't say that I know many people who would have continued with their work given your condition.  I wish I could see you more; you would be a daily dose of inspiration for me.  We all really appreciate your work.  I especially appreciate the devotion that you show towards our patients as emphasized by your constant need for performing at your personal best; you're really particular about getting things done in a timely manner.  I should be more like you!”

And Jill said, “I hope your weekend is better than last.  Hang in there.  Yesterday I was having a meltdown, and I do apologize for my gruff language [I don’t know what she was talking about…..never noticed it], but I felt like telling everybody in the office today just to…..grow up and do their job.  And then I got to thinking I’m the only one who works hard for a living, and then when I logged on AOL I saw your picture, and I felt really stupid because I think you’re more dedicated and work a heck of a lot harder than any of us, or maybe all of us combined, and we really do appreciate it.  Okay, like I said, I hope you have a better weekend than last, and I’ll talk to you on Monday.”

I guess I’d better shut down my computer now because the storm is imminent.  Just wanted to post a brief blog to let you all know I’m doing so much better.  As always, thanks for keeping me in your thoughts.


Penelope Z said...

Wow, Suzy! Those words must have helped tremendously! My own jaw dropped when I saw that photo of you with your computer in the hospital bed...I just hope that you're not letting worry about work sap your energy. What do I know? The work you do so expertly probably helps you in many ways I never thought about.

Thinking of you ALL THE TIME, with much love and admiration!


Stuart said...


Having a cup of tea to start this Tuesday with Donna. Your postnhas me in tears. I love you so much. Consider yourself the recipient of a huge Stuart hug. People tell me my hugs are good so I hope you can feel it when you read this.

I hope the coming days bring you more relief and an opportunity to enjoy. Thunderstorms are pretty incredible, especially the Florida variety. I can smell and feel the warmth of Florida just thinking about it. Of course here it's about 50 degrees but will be in the mids 80s this afternoon. Quite a warm day. Hopefully I'll be outside this afternoon to enjoy it!

Thinking of you and sending you all of my love!



Jean said...

Dear Suzy,
"Feeling better..." It does my heart good to see that heading on your blog entry. I just KNEW you were feeling better when I saw your current Bejeweled score of 464,000! Well I was ahead of you for a couple of days, anyway.
I am so glad you put those comments from the nurses on your blog. We all know how dedicated and hard-working you are but those comments put the icing on the cake. How true! You are a wonder, Suzy, in so many ways and we are all so proud of you and love you so much.

Jean said...

Dear Suzy--
Mom said it so well that all I can say is "YES,YES,YES!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Suzy!
Yea.....I LOVE it when you're feeling better because it means we ALL feel better!!! There's nothing like a little "friend therapy" and it sounds like you had a good dose of it this weekend.
I know I told you in an e-mail but I love the notes from Mary and Jill! You are awesome and I know they have thought that all along but it's sure nice to hear it out ROCK!!!
I love you Suz' are my rock.


Rebecca said...

I was SO VERY GLAD to read those words: Feeling better.. I totally agree with the words that came from the other transcriptionists, or nurses, or whoever they were. The standards you set for yourself are an INSPIRATION to me and to George, and to many other people who know you, I'm sure. It's got to be hard to keep going, and I admire you for doing JUST THAT.