Monday, May 2, 2011

And here's to our Special Forces......

I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature. -John Rockefeller

Let me start out today’s blog by saying:  Here’s to our Special Forces……and all of our Armed Forces…..who put their lives on the line day in and day out to fight for our freedom!  Special kudos to the Navy Seals for the capture/elimination of Osama Bin Laden.

Well, it was 3 months ago today that my surgeon uttered the 3 words that nobody ever wants to hear during his/her entire lifetime – “You have cancer.”  And how my life changed with that one utterance.  It has definitely been one heck of a roller coaster ride since then. 

I’m still feeling a little “out of sorts” today but much better than I did over the weekend.  I just seem to be lacking in the energy/motivation department today, and I feel a little queasy, but it’s getting better as time goes on.

This morning I followed the recommendation of a fellow “survivor” in my online support group.  She suggested using a lint roller(!) on the peach fuzz on the top of the head!  What a concept!  It worked stupendously, and I got a TON of the prickly little hairs off my almost-bald head.  Now it’s getting really close to total baldness.  A few more runs with the lint roller, and I’ll be shining….LOL! 


Jean said...

Kudos from here, too, for our Special Forces! Including our Green Beret-to-be grandson Jimmy. (If you're reading this, Jimmy, we are so proud of what you are doing!)
And kudos to our wonderful daughter Suzy, who is such an inspiration to us all. You "shine" in every way!
I love you -

Jean said...

Dear Suzy--
I can't say more this morning than echo everything that Mom said above. Suzy, you continue every day on the long and difficult path as you know that you must in order to restore your normal, healthy body. We are with you in spirit every day.
I love you--

Anonymous said...

What a nice tribute to our men and women in the armed forces.....they are truly heroes in all aspects....courage, nobilty, fortitude.....and thank you, Mom for remembering Jimmy as our "soon-to-be" Green Beret. SOOOO proud!!
And I am so proud of you sister Suz'....that you continue your fight so courageously and valiantly and with so much spirit and spunk. You cease to amaze after day you keep your head high regardless of what you are dealt with at that moment.
I am SOOOO looking forward to seeing you this Sunday!!! We have lots to look forward to...just to spend time with you doing absolutely nothing will be so special. Love you. Suz'.

Penelope Z said...

A lint roller! Who would have thought? You must be getting excited about your week with Nancy...I hope you both have a wonderful time!

Just got back from a 3-mile walk, which is what I try to do on weekdays, when it isn't raining, which is rarely...oh, well.

Love you so much, Suzy!