Thursday, May 19, 2011

Chemo Round 3 tomorrow.......

Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.  – Andre Gide, French Author

I don’t really have much news to report.  It has been a relatively quiet week.  Went for another blood draw today, which I was dreading.  However, I went to Quest Diagnostics (same company I used in Texas), and the girl got it on the first stick, just like the guy in Texas!  So I will continue to go to Quest for my weekly blood work.  Now maybe I can stop dreading it so much.

I’m also dreading chemo round 3 tomorrow (at 1000).  I’ve really been enjoying this “feeling great” stuff, and now I have to go mess it all up again.  WAAAAHHH!  Maybe it won’t be so bad.  Gotta think positive, right?  Right! 

So that’s about all I have to report for now.  Stay tuned…..maybe I’ll be back on here in a day or two…….


Jean said...

We'll be thinking about you today, Suzy, during chemo round 3. And all other times as well!
We love you!!!!!!
Mom (and Free)

Jean said...

Mom is now thinking of you while she's in the kitchen and I'm thinking of you as I write! Round 3 begins following substantial progress via rounds 1 and 2. You are an amazing trooper progressing steadily on an amazing journey, with so many people constantly rooting for you.
We love you--
Free (and Mom)

Wendy said...

Glad to hear your therapy has been going so well... and your feelings are still good, Suzy. You sounded REALLY good on the phone this afternoon, which makes ME feel really good. I like your Andre Gide quote, about having to lose sight of the shore if you want to make great discoveries.
We love you,
Jeff (and Wendy)