Monday, May 23, 2011

Three down, one to go.....on this regimen......

In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.  – Dwight D. Eisenhower

Okay, well I thought I would be back on here in a day or two, but alas, several days have elapsed.  Chemo #3 went off without a hitch on Friday, although I felt wiped out at various times throughout the weekend.  Took many a nap over the weekend.  This morning I had my Neulasta injection, which is never a fun experience – it’s a painful injection as far as injections go.  And then it totally wipes me out.  I just woke up from a 2½ hour nap! 

BUT that’s three down and one to go with the A/C and Neulasta regimen!  Yay!  There is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I’m not looking forward to the next regimen, although I’ve been told it is much milder than what I’m doing now.  The biggest “bump in the road” will be that it will be weekly instead of every 3 weeks, so scheduling/timing alone will be a bit tough.  But ya gotta do what ya gotta do! 

We meet with the radiation oncologist on Wednesday morning to see when that will start and what will be involved, etc.  We may move to a different campground because the radiation will be every day (M-F) for 6 weeks, from what we understand.  Talk about scheduling/timing constraints!  That’s going to be rough.  Right now we’re located about 40 minutes (one way) from the radiation machine, so that’s 80 minutes per day just in travel time alone.  It’ll be rough trying to get my work done AND do the traveling, the radiation, the chemotherapy, etc.  Well, we’ll have a better idea of what to expect after we meet with the radiation oncologist, so I’ll quit speculating until then.

Ya know, I forgot to mention a little tidbit about my Texas trip with Nancy – other than it was a fabulous week(!) and I was so sad to see it end – but I think I mentioned that!  I was really a bit nervous about flying with a compromised immune system – you know, all the germy people in airplanes and airports, etc.  Nancy told me that her hairdresser rubs Neosporin around her nostrils before she flies and never gets sick.  Another one of those “worth-a-try” things.  So I liberally applied Neosporin to the nostrils, and I took an Airborne before getting on the plane, and I felt fantastic the whole time! 

Well, I think I’d better go chop up some veggies for dinner.  Kenny is outside waxing the RV – he has been trying to finish one side of it now for about 3 weeks, but the lovebugs have been SOOOOO bad lately, that he couldn’t get it done.  For those of you who don’t live in Florida, count your lucky stars that you don’t have to deal with lovebugs!  OMG!  What a nuisance they are.  Just google Florida lovebugs and see what you’re missing!  Sometimes it feels like you’re driving through a blinding black blizzard!

HUGS TO EVERYBODY!  And, as always, thank you so much for your wonderful blog comments, loving emails, positive thoughts, and good wishes! 


Penelope Z said...

Hi Suzy,

I'm one of the "victims" of posting glitches. I've been reading all of your posts, but the #$%^@ computer won't let me comment. I'm giving it another try today, after resetting my cookies (that sounds weird).

The sun came out today for the first time in what seems like forever. Actually, it was sunny for a little while on Saturday, but the entire week before that was rain-drenched. Bummer. The only good thing about that was that the newly planted herbs and flowers I had just potted got plenty of moisture as they settled into their new homes!

Love you so much, dearie!


Jean said...

Hi Suzy -
Still trying to get this blasted thing to work! I'll write more later if I can get this to go through.
I love you -

Jean said...

Dear Suzy,
Your plan for battle is indispensable, with your changes to it as the battle has progressed!
Your blog is a continuing lesson in dealing with adversity, for all of us who follow it.
Our thoughts and our love are with you each day.

Jean said...

Dear Suzy,
Setting up a new Google account did the trick!
You and Kenny will be on your way to St. Augustine soon, which will be a nice mini-vacation for you. Have a great weekend!
These things bear repeating:
We love your blog!
You are an amazing person!
We are so proud of you!
We love you so much!

Stuart said...

I Love You!
