Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter Eve!

One of the best actions we can take, with courage, is to relax.  – author unknown

This is my good friend, Debbie, and me.  She had (much-needed) breast-reduction surgery a few weeks after my mastectomy, so I nicknamed us the “Bosom Buddies.”  Her sweet sister bought us these adorable shirts, and we wore them out for Mexican dinner last night.  A fun evening!  It was a nice finish to an otherwise interesting day.  My weekly blood draw was yesterday morning, so we got to the lab around 8:40 a.m.  After waiting about 45 minutes and realizing that the receptionist had called 3 people back that came in after me (no appointments; first-come, first-served basis), I said something to her (usually I don’t have to wait any longer than 10-15 minutes).  She realized she had made a mistake and finally called me back next.  Finally!   Only problem was that I am a “tough draw,” and the “fill-in” phlebotomist (due to Good Friday?) could not get a drop of blood from me!  How frustrating was that?!......after waiting 45 minutes!  It doesn’t help that they can only draw from the right arm (no blood draws or BP from left arm due to lymph node removal), so the options are limited.  She offered to try the back of my hand, but I didn’t have much faith in her capabilities at that point.  I asked her when Katie would be back – she’s really good and can always manage to get blood from me – and she said Monday.  So then I had to call the cancer center to see if I could wait until Monday or if I had to go someplace else to be a pin cushion.  My white count was really low the previous week (1.32), but it was expected to be low because the Neulasta hadn’t “kicked in” yet.  Anyway, they said it would be okay to wait until Monday.  Hopefully the numbers will be up, and I’ll be good to go for chemo round 2 on Thursday (4/28). 

After the frustrating start to the morning, we (Ken and I) went to the Barking Gecko for breakfast and then down to the American Cancer Society gift closet in Melbourne.  It was quite an experience “shopping” for cranial prostheses (wigs), head coverings, bras, and foobs (fake boobs)!  I tried on some pretty hilarious wigs – just for the fun of it – and because we needed a good laugh.  I looked just like Bozo the Clown in one of them!  Oh my!  It was something else!  Wudda made a great Halloween costume.  But, alas, I’m not looking for a Halloween costume….I’m talking everyday life here.  So I put the Bozo hair back on the mannequin and settled on 2 rather cute wigs, along with 4 hats/head coverings, 4 bras, and 2 foobs (1 for each side) – all of these items compliments of the ACS.  Pretty nice service they provide, eh?  I’m not actually all that excited about wearing the wigs or the foobs, but I think they will be good to have for nights out or whatever.  Ken expressed an interest in having “a little something there” occasionally instead of the totally flat-chested look; I’m hoping it’s just occasional because I’m really fine with the flat look and was REALLY excited to never wear a bra again!  I might have to change the name of my blog if I have to wear them too often…..LOL!

On our way home from the ACS, we stopped and picked up our mail and had 2 nice packages from Wendy, my sister-in-law, with 2 wigs and 4 hats/head coverings – from her previous journey with breast cancer.  So it was like Christmas yesterday!  And my friend, Debbie, gave me a very interesting book called “Life Over Cancer” – chock full of good info and advice.

The timing on the wigs is perfect because my hair started falling out yesterday afternoon.  I didn’t really notice it until I took a shower before going to dinner.  Suddenly I was standing in about an inch of water…..because the drain was totally covered with hair!  Waaaaahhhhhh!!!  It’s really happening.  I thought my Redken Extreme products were going to save me!  Now it looks like Ken and I might have an Easter head-shaving “party.”  I wonder if we can find some non-toxic paints and color my bald head like an Easter egg??!! 

Today was a fairly relaxing day.  Did some transcription in the morning and then did my 2.2 miles on the Pioneer Trail.  We were trying to think of something fun to do for the rest of the day.  Decided the beach would be way too crowded on a holiday weekend with the Ron Jon Easter Surf Festival going on.  So we opted to go to Cocoa Village for lunch and then walked around the Village window shopping in all the neat little boutiques and shops.  Walked over to the marina to gaze at all the beautiful boats.  And walked back along the river.  It was a nice afternoon.  Of course, all the walking wore me out, and I came home and took a nap! 

And now here it is time to call it another day…….

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter!  HUGS to everybody!!


Jean said...

HAPPY EASTER to you and Ken and Bosun and Dory, Suzy! I just love reading your blogs. It's a wonderful way for us to keep up with what's going on in your life right now, since we can't be right down there with you (and we wish we could be there!). Love the photo of you and Debbie in your Bosum Buddy shirts! --- So many people ask about you, wonder how you're doing, and send prayers and positive thoughts your way. LOTS of them - an endless supply - are coming to you from us. We love you!!!!!!!!!

Jean said...

Mom beat me to it, but here I am! We might actually be off to church this morning. (Note from me - Mom - We ARE going to church this morning, Searsport Congregational).
We're with you every step of the way, even though we're not physically there.
I love you--Freeland