Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Two rough days but doing better now

Just a quick note to let you all know that I'm doing okay.  The million-dollar feeling I had Sunday morning dissipated by Sunday evening, and Monday and Tuesday were really rough.  I don't know if it was a delayed reaction to the chemo on Friday or a reaction to the Neulasta injection on Monday morning.  I suspect it was a little bit of both because it started Sunday evening and lasted for roughly 48 hours.  Just felt really nauseous, extremely fatigued, had severe abdominal cramps and general malaise, felt like I had been run over by an 18-wheeler, and just didn't feel like doing a darn thing except sleeping.  It was tough getting through work yesterday; seemed like it would never end, even though I only had about 4-5 hours of it. 

I got a really good sleep last night after taking a Tylenol Extra Strength Rapid Release, a Restoril, and a Compazine (I can hardly believe that I am popping all these pills......never in my wildest dreams......!)  But it worked!  I slept really well from 2030 last night until 0600 this morning.  And I woke up feeling good.  Thank goodness!

I did manage to get my hair cut on Monday -- a spur-of-the-moment decision -- just walked into a Hair Cuttery and said, "Cut it short before it starts falling out."  Hopefully that will minimize the shock when it does start to fall out.  Also, one of the hairdressers there told me that she just got back from a hair convention, and they said that people were having really good luck with the Redken Extreme shampoo and conditioner and weren't losing their hair during chemo.  Is it true?  Or are they just trying to sell products?  Who knows?!  But it's worth a try!!  To my amazement, that is the conditioner I've already been using (but was almost out, so I bought some more).  And THEY were out of the shampoo!  Darn!  Went to another place, and they were out, too.  Maybe there has been a chemo run on it!  Will have to try someplace else tomorrow. 

Okay, folks, they warned me that fatigue would be my biggest problem.  They were right.  It's not even 2030, and I am dead tired.  Heading for bed.  HUGS to everybody!


Jean said...

So glad you are feeling better, Suzy! I'll call you en route to CT. We're going to visit Aunt Priscilla and also see Jeff and Wendy and Chris Coffin while we're down there. Should be a good visit. Still sending TONS of positive thoughts and love your way....
I love you -

Rebecca said...

You'll be in my thoughts today, as usual. Thanks for keeping us updated on your great blog. That's cool about the shampoo/conditioner thing! Hope you got another good sleep last night, and are feeling some energy today.
P.S. George sends his love, too. Did you know he has SHINGLES?!

Stuart said...

Thinking of you throughout the day, Suzy. Maybe you could send some of that shampoo and conditioner my way. But, nah, forget it. Being bald is sexy!

I LOVE you!


Penelope Z said...

Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Funny, I am usually exhausted by2030 too, Tomorrow is the last day of school before spring vacation. Zig and I are taking then train to Montreal for a 6 day visit. Hope to practice our French!
What's your new haircut like?

E, Penny

Jean said...

Dear Suzy--here's my contribution to balance Mom's! We had a brief (whirlwind)Connecticut trip, packing a lot of visit in less than 24 hours. You (and Kenny) were in everyone's thoughts while we were there (before and after also!) We know it's a difficult journey for you, and we hope that the days when the sun shines become more frequent. our thoughts and our love are with you always.