Sunday, April 3, 2011

Another beautiful sunrise this morning......

The only courage that matters is the kind that gets you from one moment to the next.  ~Mignon McLaughlin

The sunrise was gorgeous this morning over the Banana River.  The above picture was taken from our campsite -- nice way to start the day, eh? 

I've been meaning to get back on my blog for the past few days, but somehow time ran away from me, and I never did it.  It was a really stressful work week, with another one coming up this week; hopefully the following week will be a little bit less stressful....and that will be the week after I start chemo, so the timing will be perfect. 

I had my last lymphatic decongestive therapy appointment on Thursday.  It was very informative, and I learned a lot of things that I need to be conscientious about......forever.....(and that will be very hard to do......forever.....).  For example, the following things are high risk for developing upper extremity lymphedema:  gardening (not a problem for me), tennis/racquet sports/golf (not a problem), shoveling snow (not a problem), moving furniture (we don't own any), carrying luggage (could be a problem), carrying grocery bags (definitely a problem), weight lifting with arm (could be a problem), intense horseback riding (not a problem).  Okay, so I don't have to worry about TOO many things in the high risk category.  Medium risk things included biking, stairmaster (with gripping bars), weight lifting with rest of body, easy horseback riding.  Not TOO many issues there, either.  And beneficial things included swimming, walking, yoga, water aerobics, stairmaster (without gripping bars).  My main problem will be with lifting heavy things -- I am just way too used to doing things for myself -- carrying the groceries, the laundry, whatever.  I also need to continue to do the manual lymphatic massage, lymphatic exercises (thinking of getting a rebounder/mini trampoline), and physical therapy exercises (to improve the mobility and range of motion).  Could we please have more than 24 hours in a day??!! 

Well, I had all sorts of things I was going to write in here.  Now my mind seems to have drawn a blank.  So sorry.  Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that everything is fine here.  Kenny and I went for a nice walk on the Pioneer Trail today -- only did 1.7 miles instead of the 2.2 (time was of the essence).  I'm hoping we can keep that up after chemo starts.  I've read so many things that have said walking is really important during chemo, even if you don't feel like it -- gotta keep everything moving. 

Time to head to bed now.  I'll be back here in a few days -- hopefully before I start chemo -- just to say hi.  I love you all and thank you all so much for all the love and support.  Keep those positive thoughts flowing! 


Jean said...

The positive thoughts ARE flowing your way, Suzy - constantly. And love as well, from up here in snowy Maine and many other places all around the country. We wish we were back there with you and Nancy - those 10 days went way too fast, but they were wonderful. We sure do miss you, and love you.

Jean said...

Mom's thoughts times 2! See my e-mail for other thoughts!
All my love--

Anonymous said...

So many positive thoughts are flowing your way, Suz'.....I only wish I could take some of the stresses out of your life! You continue to amaze me.....and so proud that you are my sister.
Love you so much.

Penelope Z said...

What a lovely photo of the Banana River. What time of the day does the sun rise? Here, the sun comes up at about 7:00, but we don't see it b/c of all the trees. Our snow is almost gone, and robins sing in the morning.

I'm there with you in spirit, Suzy. I love you so much.